CC Medical

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Wealth Management Services

River Investment Management is a financial boutique which serves as the home team for healthcare professionals seeking financial planning and wealth management services. We provide a more personal service to our clients; a refreshing alternative to the mechanical big banks and cold investment firms. River Investment Management has a long history working with a number of clients in the healthcare sector, ranging from new entrants to the industry to veterans and high-net-worth individuals, charities, non-for-profits, foundations, trusts, family offices, superannuation funds and institutions across the world.

We employ a long-term, endowment style investment approach and build true partnerships with our clients by investing our own capital alongside theirs. We strive to meet our clients’ business and legacy goals as well as earn and sustain their trust. By understanding our clients circumstances we tailor solutions that meet each client’s long term goals.

Our goal is to maximise returns and take advantage of diverse investment opportunities for our clients while helping them achieve their long-term goals and objectives.. Our specialist teams work collaboratively with your team to deliver a dynamic and personalised service to you.

Simply complete the form below to get started today!

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Overseas Doctor Enquiry Form

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Celebrating 30 Years of Healthcare Jobs

You have the support of an expert healthcare recruitment team with over 30 years of dedicated recruitment experience. We have spent those years building the best connections that will help you land that dream role. With this competitive advantage coupled with our industry expertise and relationships with the biggest and best medical institutions in Australia, we can fast track your career today!

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